There are many requirements for pets entering Australia. Note that the following explanations about cats and dogs can only be applied to these two types of pets, because all birds and rabbits can only be imported from New Zealand, and horses can only be imported from certain designated countries. Other pets are not allowed to be imported into Australia.
The situation of cats and dogs immigrating to Australia is similar. The first step is to browse the official website of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) to check whether the cat and dog are in the country Which classification, because this will decide the corresponding process and the required isolation period after arriving in Australia. It is worth mentioning that there is currently no People’s Republic of China on the official Australian list, because China is classified as a category 6 country and is not officially recognized by Australia. It is necessary to arrange for cats and dogs to be brought into Australia from such countries. According to regulations, pets can only live in currently recognized countries or regions for a minimum of 6 months. In addition, all vaccine injections, blood tests, etc. must be performed in an approved country.
It is the above-mentioned Australian pet immigration restrictions. For cats or dogs that have appeared in China, the most common immigration route is to arrange to re-import into Australia through the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, because Hong Kong is now a category 4 country or region. As for the quarantine period after arriving in Australia, it depends on the time taken for the pet to take blood samples for the rabies blood test. According to the rules, the sooner the blood samples are collected after the pet arrives in Hong Kong, the shorter the quarantine period in Australia will be, but at least 30 days will be required.
Australia pet immigration process:
According to regulations, to immigrate to Australia with dogs or cats, pet owners need to arrange:
1. Rabies vaccination certificate: get the vaccination certificate for rabies vaccination.
2. Implantation of electronic chip: The pet must be implanted with an electronic chip that can show its identity, and the chip number is required to appear in all relevant files to make sure that it is the same pet.
3. Carry out serum test: One month after the rabies vaccine is injected, and the pet’s serum is extracted, the serum sample must be sent to the laboratory designated by the Australian government for testing to decide that the rabies antibody concentration in the pet’s serum reaches 0.5IU/ ml level. If the test fails, you need to reschedule the pet vaccination and then test again until it can pass.
4. Proceed and pass four virus blood tests.
5. Apply for a pet entry permit to Australia: 6 months from the date of blood sampling for a pet, apply for an entry permit. You need to obtain the permit before being allowed to enter the country. After receiving the entry permit, the pet owner needs to contact the Quarantine Station to reserve accommodation for the cat or dog and pay the required isolation fee.
Australia currently has 1 pet isolation center:
Pets entering Australia need to be quarantined at the Spotswood Quarantine Station in Victoria and Melbourne.
Within 48 hours before the departure of Australian pet immigrants, a pet health certificate must be obtained, and it must be issued by an official licensed veterinarian in Hong Kong, with the stamp of the Hong Kong Agriculture and Fisheries Department. Four days before departure, in vivo deworming and cats or dogs in need only need to be dewormed in vitro. After the pet arrives in Australia, the AQIS staff will send the cat and dog directly to the isolation center. The owner is not allowed to visit the pet at the airport. The isolation center will provide a designated visit time.
Australian government fees for pet immigration:
When preparing to immigrate to Australia with cats and dogs, you should pay attention to the various quarantine fees set by the Australian authorities for the entry of pets:
- Per license application – $260 AUD
- Entry quarantine fee – $14 AUD
- Port on-site quarantine fee – $71 AUD
- File review fee – $35.50 AUD
- Quarantine shipping fee – $95 AUD
- Food and lodging/nursing fees in the isolation area (per day): Dog – $16 AUD, cat – $12 AUD
- Entry quarantine costs-dogs range from $955.50 to $3,403.50, while cats range from $835.50 to $2,671.50.
It is conceivable that due to the high quarantine fees and related ways of the authorities, the number of pets entering Australia is subject to certain restrictions.
Australia does not accept imported pet breeds:
Pets departing from Hong Kong cannot be mixed with the following dog breeds:
- Pit Bull
- Dogo Argentino
- Fila Brasileiro
- Tosa
- Perro De Presa Canario
Immigration fees for cats and dogs to Australia:
Depending on the case of cats or dogs immigrating to Australia, our company’s agency service package fee budget ranges from HKD $13,000 to $26,000. If customers want to ask about more details of pet immigration in Australia, they can contact our professional consultant team by phone 3612 9341 or email [email protected] for more information.